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What Really Matters

by Pastor Davis on February 23, 2014

Special: Cara DeFriece

Text: Mark 10:32-35; 1 Corinthians 15:3

Perhaps you’ve been a part of this church or another church all your life, and you’re still asking yourself the question: What really matters? In your Bible of over 1,000 pages, what matters most? Among all the do’s and don’ts and shoulds and shouldn’ts, what is essential? Is the Christianity you are living really focused on what matters most? Where does the cross of Jesus Christ “fit” into your daily religious life? The apostle Paul called it “the core of the gospel.” If the account of Christ crucified is true (and it is!), then all of history and eternity is hinged on it. Shouldn’t it be our focus on what really matters…. Note:


  1. The Veil on the Cross. Our passage in Mark 10 tells a vivid story of how little the disciples and the crowd following Jesus really understood the journey to Jerusalem and the road leading to the cross. This was at least the third time Christ had gathered the disciples privately together and told them His destiny. They still didn’t really get it. Do we… There is still a veil on the cross.


  1. The Value of the Cross. What price tag can you put on Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross? Love took your place and mine in the punishment we deserved for our sin. The Bible tells us that Christ’s death on the cross has great value:
    1. Through His blood we receive atonement for sin. (Colossians 1:21-22)
    2. The blood satisfies the wrath and justice of God. (John 3:36)
    3. The OT pointed to Christ and the cross. (Isaiah 53)


  1. The Victory of the Cross. The cross brought us what nothing else could. Our works are not enough; our good intentions are not enough; our name and respectability among believers is not enough. It took Christ hanging on the cross to bring us victory over sin, death and hell!
    1. Jesus delivered us from all iniquity through the cross. (Titus 2:14)
    2. Jesus set us free from sin through the cross. (John 8:36)
    3. Jesus defeated Satan through the cross. (Colossians 2:15)
    4. Jesus brings us near to God through the cross. (Ephesians 2:18)