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P-R-I-O-R-I-T-I-E-S 4: Treasure & Inventory

by Pastor Davis on January 26, 2014

Text: Matthew 6:19-24

We continue to move forward in our study of stewardship by looking at the word PRIORITIES. We started by Prayer, then Review, and  we looked at stewardship as an Investment, and how we must Order our lives starting with the things that matter the most, how we must Resist some temptations and be wise to seek the Input of godly wise people in order to balance our lives out. This week we will look at the greatest sermon ever preached – by Jesus!

Treasures. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives some foundational principles about applying true righteousness in every area of life. In Matthew 6-7, Christ deals with our relationship to God in worship, our relationship to material things, and our relationship to others. It becomes very clear to the honest reader, that our Lord makes no distinction between the sacred and the secular: we are accountable as stewards for how we live all of our lives, including our use of wealth. What should our priorities be in the use of wealth? How can we keep from becoming a slave to wealth or materialism? Note these 4 principles from Ron Blue:

  • Principle 1: God owns it all. Some people have the notion that the Lord is entitled to 10 percent of our income, which is called our “tithes,” and that the other 90 percent belongs to us. Not true!
  • Principle 2: There is always a trade-off between time and effort and money and rewards. You’ve heard the phrases “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” and “You can’t get something for nothing.” Those are very important understandings. Money should always be thought of as linked to work and the sweat of our brow.
  • Principle 3: There is no such thing as an independent financial decision. There will never be enough money for everything you’d like to buy or do. Therefore, every expenditure has implications for other things you need or want. It’s all linked together.
  • Principle 4: Delayed gratification is the key to financial maturity. Since we have limited resources and unlimited choices, the only way to get ahead financially is to deny ourselves some of the things we want.


Inventory. In order to make changes in how we view stewardship and the use of wealth, we will have to be intentional! These are areas that can’t be left for chance or when the mood strikes. The trail of your purchases is a clear indication of what your priorities have been. Ask yourself some hard questions:

  • Does my spending reflect responsible choices that honor God?
  • Does my spending reflect wise choices with the resources God has given me?
  • Does my spending reflect a pattern of living within my means and staying out of debt?
  • Does my spending reflect my love for God and others?